21 Super Healing Herbs That No-One Told You About

See if you know any of these magical herbs. If you get 20% consider yourself an herb expert! There are herbal medicines for almost any ailment but most people never hear of these herbs. Perhaps pharmaceutical companies keep them as their secret.

These herbs are from the garden of my friend Kalpana Premkumar who is an herbal health specialist.


Kalpana is a Siddha specialist, having inherited the knowledge from her ancestors. She loves to grow unusual herbs and spices and she actually uses them for any ailments,  to boost the immune system, and overall rejuvenation. I am amazed at the devotion she has in caring for her garden. Every time I turn around she has a new unusual plant that has rare medicinal properties. I feel so privileged as she is a tenant in my property in Chennai India and grows all these valuable plants right on the property.

She is blessed with two lovely daughters and she is teaching them the ancient heritage of herbs. Here is a glimpse of the unusual plants in her garden.

Aavaram poo: Cassia Auriculata, Tanner’s Cassia

Aavarum poo 2

Kalpana makes face and body scrub with the yellow flowers of the plant because it is good for the skin and cures any skin problems. It is a cooling herb which is taken as tea. It purifies the blood and rejuvenates the body. Both the flowers and leaves are used in medicine.

Adutheenda palai: Aristolochia Bracteata

adu theenda palai, uterus, infection, aristolochia Bracteata

One can find this plant growing wild in swamps and street corners. Most people think of it as weed not knowing the immense medicinal benefits of the plant. It heals infections and supports  the health of the uterus.

Red Aloe

Aloe and lemon grass

The garden has lots of red aloe and lemongrass plants. Red aloe is rare and very hard to find. Kalpana some how found a plant and has multiplied it in the garden. She makes aloe juice everyday for her family because it is a blood purifier and has valuable minerals, vitamins and iron. Alongside you can see some  lemongrass. She uses the lemongrass in tea. These also strengthen the immune system.

Shangu pushpam: Clitoria ternatea

Clitoria ternatea, flower and leaves for eyes and roots for autism, brain, shangu po, kakkatan

This plant comes in two varieties. One bears white flowers and the other blue. The flowers, roots and the leaves are used as medicine. The flowers and leaves are good for the health of the eyes and the roots are used as brain tonic, and for autism.

Duduvalai: Solanum trilobatum

Duduvalai 1

A great herb that is used for controlling asthma, bronchitis, cold and chest congestion.

Gongura: Hibiscus cannabinus, sabdariffa

Gongura, Hibiscus cannabinus or sabdariffa, an edible plant that is sour in taste.

The Telugu people of the state of Andhra Pradesh, in India, love to make thogayal (chutney) out of the leaves of this plant. It provides Vitamin C and is full of nutrients and minerals. It has a slight sour taste and makes a great delicacy dish.

Insulin plant: Fiery costus, Spiral ginger

insulin plant1

Like the name says it is truly an insulin plant where just by eating the leaves one can control diabetes. According to Kalpana it controls inflammations and cures tumors and ulcers as well. The fresh leaves taste quite good with a slight sour taste.

Khizhanelli: Phylanthus niruri, Seed under, Stone breaker

Kizhanelli, kizh kai nelli, seed under, stone breaker, phyllanthus niruri

Like the name suggests the plant has berries under the leaf: so the name, ‘Seed under’ in English. In tamil it is called Khiz kai nelli, meaning berry under. It is said to remove kidney stones and is good for urinary tract diseases, hepatitis, liver function and skin diseases.

Kuppaimeni: Acalypha indica, Indian nettle

kupaimeni, Acalypha indica, Indian nettle, for skin diseases, tb, cold and cough

Good for skin diseases, Tuberculosis, cough and cold.

Kirasilangani: Eclipta prostrata, False daisy

kirasilangani 1

A merchant in India sells the oil of this plant as Bhringraj oil which is good for the growth of hair, health of the brain and skin. Kalpana adds that she grows the plant for the welfare of the eyes as well.

Mukkirattai: Boerhaavia diffusa, hogweed

Mukkirattai, Boerhaavia Diffusa, Hogweed,craeper with tiny red flowers, kidney, kidney stones, kidney failure etc

It is a creeper. I am told it has tiny red flowers. It is good for the kidneys, kidney stones and kidney failure besides many other ailments.

Nachu kottai: Pisonia alba, lettuce tree, cabbage tree

nachu kottai 1

One can see this plant everywhere in South India, on road sides, as hedges, as ornamental plant, in gardens and parks. They are just there; no one takes them! But the leaves are eaten as greens. It is a blood purifier, a diuretic that eliminates toxins, for rheumatic pains and swellings and skin problems.

Musumusukkai: Mukhia madrasapatna, Bristly byroni, Nugudosa


This plant is spread all over Kalpana’s compound wall. The leaves are used for coughs and  colds. A decoction made of the leaves, with turmeric and black pepper relieves throat infections.

 Nilavembu: Siriyanangai,  Andrographis paniculata, King of bitters

nilavembu or sirianangai, fever, virus etc

It is used for fevers, virus infections, allergies, itching of the eyes and skin. The folk women of the villages call this plant kalmegh. Kalpana says caution is the word and should not be used by pregnant women.

Noni: Morinda citrifolia, Indian mulberry

noni 1

Noni syrup is sold in the market as rejuvenator, blood purifier and immune booster. Ancient ayurvedic texts call this the longevity booster or the rasayana elixir.

Sirukan peelai: Aerva lanata, Mountain knotgrass

peelai kan for kidney, cleansing

This plant is used for removing kidney stones, and treating piles. The flowers can be added in the soup and taken as medicine.

Perianangai: Andrographis alata


The juice from the leaf is anti inflammatory. It helps heal coughs and bronchial problems. Kalpana uses this in steam inhalation. It also strengthens the immune system. It can be taken internally and also applied externally. It is used for snake bites, and skin diseases. These come under the category,’ King of bitters’ that are also good for diabetic treatment.

Thippali: Piper longum

Pippali plant with long pepper.

The Thippali plant is another rasayana herb (longevity herb). The long pepper is a blood purifier and immune booster. It cures bronchial infections and fevers.

Poonameesai: Orthosiphon stamineus


This is a rare herb. Siddha practitioners grow them in their farms and hold it dear to them. Helps remove kidney stones and heals kidney disorders.

Red ponangani: Altermanthera sessilis

red ponnangani 1

This is one of the greens that is full of nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and dietary fiber. The greens help with vision and also improves night vision.

Thotta surungi: Mimosa pudika

thotta surungi, for boils, weight loss etc.

This is a very strange plant. When humans touch it the leaves quickly close.. The plant juice is used to cure boils and also for weight loss.

 Thumbai plant: Leucas aspera


The flowers and leaves of this plant are highly valued. It cures headaches and body pains including coughs and colds. It can be taken in the form of a soup.




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